Mathilde b.

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Oslo, Oslo, Norway

Über Mathilde b.

33 Jahre alt | Psychologist & mileu therapist

We're a couple, both 28 years old, who love animals and travelling. We are looking for a place to stay in Paris from the 9th of September until the 8th of October (flexible dates, it can be a shorter period too). Mathilde is a Norwegian authorized psychologist currently working in child care, who's now taking one month off from work to explore Paris. John is French, working with sports managementet and events. We currently don't have any pets of our own, but we would love to be pet sitters and to have animals to take good care of. We've both had dogs before, and I've also been keeping a cat while living in Norway.

We are mindful of the responsibilities which house and pet sitting implies. Being previous pet owners we understand how animals have different needs, preferences and personalities. We enjoy spending time with animals, and to play with them if they want to. My (Mathildes) mother is an experienced veterinarian, which has contributed to my understanding and focus on animal health and well-being.

We would make sure to give you continuous updates and to keep a good communication with you while you are away, so that you can trust that your home and animal is in good hands.

We are flexible regarding the length of our stay.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
John, 33 Jahre alt, Sports management and events, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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