Betty-Anne F.

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Baden, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten
Letzte Aktivität: vor mehr als 6 Monaten

Über Betty-Anne F.

74 Jahre alt | Retired ~ Floral Designer | Allein

I am a Canadian retiree & solo traveler, who is once again wintering in the UK & EU. I purchase a one way ticket and see where my adventures and pet sits lead me until I head back to Canada approx. May 1st. This is my career in retirement, and I have to say I enjoy my work!
My family and friends know me to be an outgoing, personable, adventuresome, creative, compassionate and caring person. As a retired widow, I am ready, willing and able to travel and enjoy life to the fullest. Housesitting offers me the opportunity to travel to many areas, make new friendships and enjoy many amenities, "living like a local". I have many life experiences, international corporate moves in my background, owning and renting homes and I have no hesitation in facing new challenges.
I am very grounded and blessed to be part of a large family and have children and grandchildren that have kept me smiling and loving life through the twists and turns over the years. My husband and I, had relocated 28 times for his work, while raising our 3 children, and our 4 legged family members. The last move was to settle back into my home area of south-western Ontario, Canada after my husband of 44 years passed. Being a caregiver has taught me that we only get "one go-around". Life is too short to not enjoy and make the best of every experience.
Living life to it’s fullest, has shaped me into the person I am today. I am typically a very busy and creative right brain "doer". I enjoy gardening, floral design, photography, knitting, walking, culinary arts, volunteering, cards, my Aquafit, dabbling in art and sometimes just sitting and reading a good book. The company of a cuddly cat or dog is a bonus. I am an avid 1-2+ hr daily walker and find inspiration in nature and the many people I meet.
I am fortunate to be at a place in my life where I have the time and ability to enjoy the adventures life offers. I am excited about my new career as a house sitter, and love the opportunity to explore new areas, meet and mingle on the world stage, all while getting my pet fix.
My many moves entailed owning and renting homes, which we cared for like our own. We were a family of five, plus all our four legged family members. Our family pet members have included cats, dogs, rabbits, fish, chickens and horses, all with their very own unique personalities. Through the years my passion for plants has grown, and I can ensure that I will care for your indoor and outdoor gardens like a pro.
HouseSitting has opened me to many beautiful experiences and newfound friends. I have been a house and pet sitter for friends and family over the years, but please take a moment to read my THS reviews, (that I will attach), to realize that I am a good trusted individual. I am a 5X vaccinated, clean, conscientious and respectful person, a non-smoker, and do not use alcohol or drugs. I have excellent references and have a police clearance certificate. Your home would be treated with the same care and respect as I do my own. I enjoy living in a clean, tidy environment and prefer a non-smoking house sit where I would have the use of WiFi (and possibly a vehicle in more remote areas. My drive record is clean!). I am also adaptable to using public transit. You will have no worries about your family pet(s) and home when in my care. Being a creative person, I look for the best, not necessarily the quickest, solutions if any problems were to arise in your absence. Before any course of action, you would be consulted. I strive to go above and beyond whenever possible; I respect the privacy of your home and I look forward to providing you with peace of mind, as you enjoy your travel adventures.

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Claudia N. N.

Aigues-Mortes, France - März 2023

Quel plaisir de rencontrer Betty-Anne qui est pleine d'amour pour les chats et les êtres humains. C'était une joie de l'avoir comme chat et gardienne à la maison. C'est une femme très agréable, respectueuse et très débrouillarde qui s'occupe des chats, des animaux, de la maison et du jardin. Je recevais quotidiennement des photos de mes chats et des nouvelles. Ces briefings étaient tout simplement les meilleurs. Mes chats ont été gâtés, choyés et brossés. La maison était propre et bien entretenue. Vous pouvez faire confiance à Betty-Anne les yeux fermés. Je la recommande vivement ! How great to meet Betty-Anne who is full of love for cats and human beings. It was a joy to have her as our cat and home-sitter. She is a very pleasant, respectful and very resourceful woman who cares for cats, animals, the house and the garden. I received daily photos of my cats and news. These briefings were just the best. My cats were spoiled, pampered and brushed. The house was clean and well maintained. You can trust Betty-Anne with your eyes closed. I highly recommend her!

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