Belle milly peach f.

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Nice, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Über Belle milly peach f.

42 Jahre alt | Photographer

I am a photographer & stylist who travels the world for lifestyle, interior, food and portrait photography. I am a very creative person and I love creating beauty around me, cooking, traveling obviously and I just pursue an adventurous life for my son and I. I always travel with our little son, my husband don’t come with us because he has contract work, but he might visit us if we are house sitting long term. I don’t have a drivers license, so I can only accept offers where it’s possible to live without a car. We are big time cat lovers but we do love animals in general, especially our son Peppinot who is crazy about all things animal related. I have had cats since the age of 8 where I met my first cat and from then on I had 3 Aby’s for 18 years and then we adopted a lovely french street tabby cat, who has had a tough life but now rests in our lovely home in Nice France. We are a multilingual family, since we are Danish/French/Ceylon of Heritage (I speak Danish/English as mother tongue, and speak some French German and Swedish). We are kind, calm and very tidy. I always take good care of the homes we visit, we love taking good care of and give love to the pets, we know how important this is since we have had house/pet sitters ourselves . If you have a beautiful garden too., I would love taking care of that too, I am quite handy and can fix many things myself, since I am used to being on my own, because of my husband usually works far away from our home in Nice. Please contact us if you want somebody who really cares about your pets and of your home, if you are looking for someone, who are truly respectful and grateful for the experience.


Belle Peach

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Peppinot, 11 Jahre alt, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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