Roberta l.

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Lille, Hauts-de-France, France

Über Roberta l.

38 Jahre alt | Project manager

We are an Italian couple (36, 34 years old) and we currently live in Lille (France). I'm a project officer working on environment related projects, and my partner is a web developer: We have been dog sitters for 6 years now, we really like to take car of pets and that's also why we recently adopted Lupin, a 6 years old poodle (miniature). We love to spend our free time in the nature, and like to bring him with us, especially in settings where he is free to explore. Since we live in the city, we try to spend the weekend away. Lupin is very curious, loves to know new places and new friends, especially other dogs and cats. He likes to play with them, but if they are not willing to, he respects that and leaves them alone. We really like the concept of nomador and looking forward living new experiences!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Cesar, 36 Jahre alt, Web developer, Ehepartner / Partner
Lupin, 9 Jahre alt, Poodle, Andere

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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