Renata m.

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Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Über Renata m.

39 Jahre alt | Adjunt professor

I'm Renata, 35 and originally from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Because of the work I’ve been living in Foz do Iguaçu last 7 years with my twin daughters, our two rescued cats and our bunny (that passed away two years ago). I’m a very calm person and while living in Foz do Iguaçu I loved to spend time at home listening to music, reading, cooking, having nice conversations, playing with my cats and gardening.
I became a mom when I was very young and now my daughters just made their big first choice as grow up adolescents and decided to stay in Brazil and finish school meanwhile I leave to do a Ph.D. in Spain. So, for me, it’s the first time I’m experiencing adult life without parenting in everyday life. It’s an intense and stimulating moment for me and I want to experience a bit more of flexibility in everyday life than before. Thus, I saw in Nomador an opportunity to experience both the flexibility of not owning a home and the calm and nurturing sensation of staying at home taking care of pets (even if not mine).
In Brazil I held a permanent position as a professor at UNILA, a public university whose mission is the integration of Latin-America, right now I’m in license period for Ph.D. Also, and I’m enthusiastic about it, I’ve been studying and experimenting on natural and organic cosmetics last 4 years and I’m glad to be able to produce all the products I use.
I love to travel and I try to keep myself active as much as I can.
I'm can communicate well in Portuguese, English and Spanish. I’m B1 in French and I’m currently studying German.
I look forward to meeting,


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch | Portugiesisch

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Valeria p.

Rome, Italy - November 2019

Renata has been a great help while I was away, she took care of my three cats (who in return asked her a lot of cuddles) and kept the house clean and neat! I highly recommend Renate, and surely I will ask her again to visit me whenever she wants to come back to Rome! =^_^=

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