Carla a.

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As Pontes, Galicia, Spain


Über Carla a.

38 Jahre alt | Teacher

As a freelance I am able to live in different locations.
I prefer to be a local and not a tourist, I love staying close to a location I choose and embracing the town and lifestyle.

I`ve decided to travel to places where I can refuel my creative energy and be inspired. Having dogs and kitties snuggling up to me while I work is always a fun time!

I am extremely responsible and resourceful . I´ve lived in London and in different cities of Spain and Portugal. I am usually good and quickly fitting in a new place.

I have experience in housitting in Portugal and Spain.

I have had the pleasure of looking after many dogs and cats, all with different personalities.

Pets are very special to me. My father needs a suportive dog. Pets are members of my family to me.

I was volunteer at the local animal shelter in Coruña and Sevilla. Four dogs stayed in my house in different periods, while they didn`t find a home.

I have had animals for most of my life and they have usually lived until a ripe old age. I have experience looking after dogs for family, friends and on house sitting assignments.

My parents and me had two dogs, Yuka and Yoko.. And now they have two dogs: Yorkshire terrier (arrived at home when she was 4 years old) and a Labrador. I had 2 dogs by my own too: Lala and Bobo.

I am extremely responsible and have high personal standards.
I`ll take care of your house and pets as if they were my own.
I am extremely tidy, quiet and respectful.

Please be assured that your much loved pet/s and the security of your home would be my number one priority. I would welcome the opportunity to chat with you via WhatsApp, e-mail….

I can follow instructions carefully and deal with any issues that may arise.
I am happy to water your pot plants and do a little gardening if required.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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Luc D.

Mula, Spain - März 2022

Ya he tenido varios pet sitters pero Carla, desde luego, ha sido la mejor. Cuando volví, encontré mi casa tal y como la dejé. Igual, igual. (La verdad es que no siempre fue asi conlos otros) Me mandó mensajes y fotos de mis gatos durante mi viaje. La comunicación siempre fue fluida. El día de mi vuelta, hasta me preparó una sopa... Carla es una chica muy positiva y agradable. Por supuesto es digna de confianza. Espero que pueda volver a cuidar de mis animales pronto. (en octubre si va todo bien.)

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