Corinne b.

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Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Corinne b.

35 Jahre alt | student (theatre science) / graphic designer

Hello dear normadors,

my name is Corinne, I'm a luxembourgish 30-year old girl living, working and studying in Leipzig (Germany) at the moment.
I work as a freelance graphic designer and study theatre science. Right now, I'm about to start writing my master thesis and therefore am searching a quiet place during the winter months, where I can focus on this.
I have travelled a lot (mostly in Europe and South America) and also lived in different places all over Europe for the last 10 years (Luxembourg, Cologne, Berlin, Vienna, Barcelona, Leipzig, ...).
When I was still living at my parents place, we had many animals: a huge aviary with birds, a pond with fish and turtles, rabbits and a dog. So I'm used to look after animals and give them all they need to be happy.
I'm a very clean and tidy person, even more when it comes to the belongings of somebody else. Until now, I always lived in shared flats with other people and I know how to adapt and to look after things that are not my property.
I also own a little car, so I'm quite flexible and able to sit rural houses.

Until now, I didn't have explicit house sit experiences, but since I moved around a lot I was couchsurfing many times and also living in shared flats or sublet rooms with many different people. I always loved the experience and so far, always had a good time making new connections and getting to know wonderful places. I also regularly offer my room to people, while I'm gone - and same here, I never had a reason to complain about the people, who stayed at my place.
I'm a big fan of the idea to give people the option to discover new places by sitting houses and also the owners a safe feeling knowing that there is someone, looking after what's dear to them, to be able to travel with a quiet mindset. So, even if I didn't have the opportunity to collect much experience in housesitting yet, I ensure you, that I will do my best to look after your house and animals as if they would be my own.

I love the idea of helping people out - and vice versa, people offering their places to confidential people to make sure, their place and their pets are safe while they enjoy travelling - all in all, the exchange of giving and taking and making things work out together.

I'd be happy to look after your homes & animals for a while and I'm looking forward to temporarily live in nice, peaceful spots.


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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