Lauren Q.

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Tasmania, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Lauren Q.

36 Jahre alt | Government worker | Als Paar/Duo

Hi! Dave and I are a couple in our mid-30s. We met at university over 15 years ago in Tasmania, Australia. After uni we moved together to Canberra, Australia, where we lived for over 10 years. Here we bought our home and adopted our beloved pet dove, Pearl. When we went on holidays, we used house-sitters to take care of Pearl and our home. We used a diverse range of house-sitters, and we appreciated the sense of community, care and kindness we experienced.

Dave and I are currently living to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, where we are posted as Australian diplomats. Our posting is due to end in June 2025. Because our house in Canberra will be rented until late 2025 and Pearl has sadly died, we plan to travel to Europe between July-November 2025. While in Europe want to take the opportunity to try house-sitting for ourselves.

In addition to being comfortable with birds, Dave grew up with big dogs (Leonbergers and Bernese Mountain Dogs), as his mum was a breeder. He has also grown attached to cats since living in PNG, due to the many that reside in our residential compound. He loves reptiles as he kept snakes as a kid. He also kept exotic tropical fish while at university.

I grew up in rural Tasmania around many animals. I am familiar and comfortable with birds, all sizes of dogs, cats, native Australian animals, and livestock (chickens, horses and pigs).

We dearly miss living around animals. We can't wait to come to Europe for the trip of a lifetime, after many years of hard work to buy and pay for our own home. We hope we can combine our love of pets with our Europe trip. We want to make your life easier and return the favour by taking care of your loved ones while you travel.

Please reach out if you have any other questions.

Lauren and Dave

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 36 Jahre alt, Government worker, Ehepartner / Partner

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