Michelle o.

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Pézenas, Occitanie, France

Über Michelle o.

59 Jahre alt | Florist

I am an outgoing, social and independent professional woman originally from Canada. I have lived and worked in several areas of Canada, the US, the UK and France. I am a capable and confident cat and dog lover, and enjoy their company whether out on walks, playing with them or lounging together. I have minded cats, dogs and birds for short and longer periods of time in several countries. Your pets are your family and are the upmost priority. I am ensure their safety and good health taking no risks with them. I am very particular about my own belongings and taking care of objects. I am have the same view when looking after people's homes and belongings. People local to where I live entrust me to look after their animals and property during their absence because they know everything will be just as they left it and their animals cared for and happy upon their return. I would love to explore farther afield in other areas of France that are unknown to me.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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