Laurie W.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Laurie W.

72 Jahre alt | ex-teacher | Als Paar/Duo

Greetings! We are Lawrence and Anna, seasoned house sitters with a rich history of providing exceptional care to over 15 families and their cherished pets across Australia. Dogs, cats, horses, birds, reptiles – you name it, we've treated them all with the same love and attention as if they were our own. The accolades we've received from each family, coupled with repeated invitations, underscore our commitment to excellence.
Our reputation is built on reliability, extensive experience, and unwavering honesty. We hold in high regard the importance of regular communication, maintaining cleanliness, and consistently going above and beyond to safeguard the well-being of both your home and pets.
In 2020, despite having secured ten European house-sitting commitments, our plans were thwarted by unforeseen Covid border closures. Undeterred, we are again eager to focus on caring for pets and homes abroad, offering the utmost peace of mind, safety, security, and comfort during your absence.
As a mature, active, non-smoking and healthy married couple, we celebrated our 51st anniversary in October. Our journey together has included the companionship of a German Shepherd and a delightful array of cats, dogs, horses, birds, and even a kangaroo over the years.
Having sold our meticulously renovated property in 2018, we found joy in tending to the homes and pets of others throughout Australia. Laurie, with his handy skills, is adept at effecting minor repairs, adding an extra layer of assurance to homeowners.
Our venture into the Airbnb realm with "Kiora Komfort" in Sydney garnered an impressive 150 five-star references, a testament to our dedication to creating a clean and welcoming space for guests.
The past years of house sitting in Australia has been nothing short of wonderful, and we now yearn to broaden our horizons. Our aspirations include exploring overseas locales, immersing ourselves in the charm of local towns, walks, beaches, mountains, and villages. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with new people and their beloved pets along the way.
In entrusting us with your home and pets, rest assured that we will care for them as if they were our own, providing the attention, love, and responsibility they deserve. Your peace of mind during your time away is our top priority.
We look forward to the prospect of caring for your pets and home with the utmost dedication and warmth.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Anna, 70 Jahre alt, retired retail manager, Ehepartner / Partner

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