Karen f.

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Ridge, New York, United States

Über Karen f.

66 Jahre alt | Nurse Practitioner

I am a nurse practitioner and my husband is a carpenter and project manager working in construction, both home and commercial. We live on Long Island in New York and are retiring in 2020 and relocatg to beautiful Costa Rica. We want to take our time checking out different areas before deciding on an area to settle down. We have been to Costa Rica several times and stayed in AirBNB's. We think house sitting is a great way to experience different areas of Costa Rica and really immerse ourselves. My husband has extensive knowledge in building houses from designing, framing, plumbing, electrical, you name it he has done it. We have aways had pets - dogs and cats and love animals. We plan to have chickens and animals and a garrden once we eventually decide where to plant our new roots. Meanwhile we will take this time in our life to travel and experience new places. We will take care of your home and your animals while you are away and you can be confident that it will be well taken care of. We are non-smokers, non-drinkers, no drugs, eat healthy and in great physical health. We love the outdoors, boating, hiking and exploring and will take excellent care of your pets if you have any.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Arthur, 68 Jahre alt, Carpenter/project manager, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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