Daniela c.

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Fuengirola, Andalusia, Spain

Über Daniela c.

33 Jahre alt | Psycopedagogy

Hi, we are Daniela and Gabriel. A couple of 28 and 32 years old from Argentina. 1 year ago we came to live in Spain and we are very happy with the change. We tell you a little more about us: we have millions of curiosities and we want to continue knowing new places and people. We have both worked teaching people with learning disabilities. We are very sociable and love friendly, respectful and free people. We like to talk about everything: music, politics, art, philosophy, religion, cinema and much more. We like all kinds of music, both play it (we have a ukulele and guitar) and dance it. In our mission to continue rediscovering the world in every corner we offer ourselves to take care of their homes as respectfully as we would like them to take care of ours. We want to leave you alone that if we send you a request it is because we are very interested in enjoying and collaborating keeping the heart of the house as if you were still there.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gabriel, 37 Jahre alt, Pyscology, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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