Maria l.

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Jumilla, Region of Murcia, Spain

Über Maria l.

23 Jahre alt | Au Pair

We are a couple in our twenties, Jesús y María, and we can't wait to travel and discover the world. We live in Spain and we have lots of experience taking care of animals. María has three small dogs and has had three cats and two more dogs (mixture of mastiff and German shepherd) in her house for some months until someone have adopted them (like a shelter). Jesús has taked care of his sister's dogs (a mixed small dog and a big Samoyed) and he currently has five cats (really cute). We really love animals, María is vegan since she had 12 years old. We think this is going to be a great experience because we can get all the things we love:
Be together,
And help other people.
We know how much you can get to love your pet, like another member of the family, so you can know that we will take care of your pet(s)as if it were ours, with lots of love and responsability. Any question don't doubt in asking :)

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jesús, 25 Jahre alt, Waiter, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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