Janet and Colin

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Southend-on-Sea, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Wochen

Über Janet and Colin

74 Jahre alt | Costume seamstress | Als Paar/Duo

We are an active, retired, married couple . We enjoy travelling and have had various pets over the years. We now live with our daughter, who has a dog which we look after when she is away. We love walking in the countryside and on the coast and are lucky to live close to both.
My husband ran his own business for over 40 years and I looked after the office side of things until our children were grown and I went back to college to retrain in fashion and textiles and ended my career working in a theatrical costume house. Our son took over the business, when my husband retired and is still trading successfully.
Since retiring we have been house and pet sitting both in the UK and France and have made many new friends who we now house sit for when required. We can provide references, if required. We enjoy house sitting as it means we can experience living in different locations and cultures, with the added pleasure of looking after the animals and meeting new people.
I speak a little French and continue to learn.
Colin enjoys cooking and I continue to design and sew various projects. We both enjoy gardening and producing our own fruit and vegetables. We enjoy looking around local markets and experiencing different foods, by cooking at home , in local restaurants and fine dining.
I practice yoga and attend classes every week.
We have both been fully vaccinated against Covid 19 and are fit and healthy.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Colin, 73 Jahre alt, retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Sehr freundlich
Übertrifft die Erwartungen
Lokaler Kulturführer
Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Sylvie c.

Juni 2023

C’est toujours en confiance que je laisse mes chats, ma tortue et la maison entre les mains attentives et chaleureuses de Janet & Colin. Je les verrai revenir avec grand plaisir.

Maggie S.

United Kingdom - April 2023

Janet and Colin are perfect house-sitters. They looked after our home and our elderly cat with great care for a few days. They arrived exactly when we asked them to, and we returned to a pristine house and a very content and happy little cat. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend Janet and Colin. Thank you so much!

Sylvie c.

März 2023

Janet & Colin sont chaleureux, très appréciés par mes chats. Discrets, attentifs à leur bien être et à celui de Lulu (leur cousine chienne restée avec eux), Je ne peux que me féliciter de leur venue et les en remercier. Je suis partie sans inquiétude et reviendrai volontiers vers eux pour d’autres séjours.

Debbie b.

Saint-Lô, France - Februar 2023

Janet and Colin, helped us out enormously during our holiday. Due to extreme weather conditions at our holiday destination we were unable to fly home as previously arranged. They were able to stay on to care for our animals until we arrived home. They gave us the reassurance that the animals would not be left alone. Thank you.

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