Riomar blanco

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Negreira, Galicia, Spain


Über Riomar blanco

44 Jahre alt | Dance Teacher / Professional Freediver / Events Organizer

I am a professional freediver and a Contact Improvisation dancer. I have been a nomad for the last 4/5 years since I left Buenos Aires (Argentina). In these years I've been traveling constantly. Because of my interests and profession, it is not easy to have a base to live in and I am frequently visiting different places according to my projects and living in rented season houses.

I often miss the feeling of living in a real house and taking care of the animals, garden and those common things. I feel like it is something even healthy to have and do. That´s why I want to try out House sitting.

I have experience in taking care of pets. We had dogs always in my family houses and the time I lived on my own I took care of cats. I also have experience in taking care of other people pets, and in making friends with them.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ann, 31 Jahre alt, Osteopath / Dancer, Freund

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch | Russisch

Erhaltene Komplimente

Gibt Neuigkeiten

Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Vinka u.

Monflanquin, France - Januar 2020

Mario took very good care of the house and our 4 cats, we regularly heard from them, and the house was clean when we returned :) he is a good person, very kind and friendly, I highly recommend him: ) Mario s est tres bien occupé de la maison et de nos 4 chats, nous avons regulierement eu des nouvelles, et la maison etait propre a notre retour :) c'est une bonne personne, tres gentil et amical, je le recommande vivement :)

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