Kareen h.

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CCS, Capital District, Venezuela

Über Kareen h.

38 Jahre alt | Photograph

We are a young couple in our thirties. Three months ago we started our biggest and scare dream: Long traveling. I am a photographer and I also like writing about traveling and daily life. Oscar is an Informatics Engineer. He likes reading and plays video games also he is a good baker. Both of us are passionate to learn and share our experiences. We left our home in Caracas where we spent about 7 years, so we know well the feeling of leaving, more than a house, your personal and intimate place alone. I like gardening, I use to have a lot of succulents and cactus but now they are with my mom. We are a kind, funny, clean and easy going couple (You could ask our friends who share their homes with us in the last months). Last but not least we love dogs. We have two: Shamti and Bruno. Leave them have been the worst part of our trip, but they have extremely cared for Oscar´s parents. Shamti and Bruno are rescued dogs and they had being with us for more than four years.
We like slow travel and go around towns and cities like locals as much as we can, so we think house-sitting is a great opportunity for that and we can take care of your home like it´s ours at the same time our traveling dream comes true.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Oscar, 37 Jahre alt, Informatics Engineer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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