Marco A.

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Castellammare di Stabia, Campania, Italy

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Marco A.

33 Jahre alt | Product Manager | Allein

Hi, I'm Marco, a 33-year-old from southern Italy, near the ancient city of Pompeii and the stunning Amalfi Coast.

I've spent most of my life in Italy, but for the past couple of years, I’ve been working as a Product Manager for a software company. My job is remote and flexible—I just need my computer and an internet connection. This freedom has inspired me to travel while working, and that's exactly what I'm planning to do.

I'm a quiet person and a nature lover. Nature is where I find my peace: whether it’s a sunset, a sunny afternoon in a garden, the thrill of a thunderstorm, or a quiet beach away from city noise, it makes me happy. I love walking and prefer exploring places by bicycle if I can. I'm not into extreme parties or clubs; I enjoy calmer, quieter situations.

I grew up in the countryside surrounded by dogs and, occasionally, farm animals. We've always had one to four dogs in the family, most of them rescued. Right now, we have one dog, Stella, whom we rescued five years ago. She lived on the streets before finding a loving home with us. When I’m away, she stays with my elderly parents, who enjoy her company immensely.

Although we've never had cats (our dogs had trouble accepting them), I find cats lovable. I often visit friends or neighbors to enjoy their company and hope to one day have a dog that will share the house peacefully with a cat.

I understand the importance of caring for a home and am always respectful of others' property. I genuinely enjoy helping others feel satisfied and happy. If you need me to care for your home or pets, I’ll do my best to make sure everything is well looked after.

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