Hillary c.

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KK, County Kilkenny, Ireland

Über Hillary c.

62 Jahre alt | Administrator

Hello my name is Hilary. My home is in Ireland I live in the beautiful medieval city called Kilkenny. Kilkenny is located in South East Ireland the area is known as the Sunny South East!

I work locally as an administrator my background is in Hospitality Management. I also rent accommodation in my home to international students on internships and on rotation during college and training,

I am reliable, trustworthy, outgoing, friendly, kind and a very caring person. I’m looking forward to travelling again as my adult children have flew the nest so its the perfect time for me to set off on a new adventure and explore new places in Europe I have not yet visited.

I have experience house-sitting, pet sitting, home care, child care and in property management. I also grew up on a farm and have experience working with cattle, sheep, goats, poultry, horses and Connemara ponies and have competed in many equestrian events. I love nature and animals.

Over the years I have cared for our own family pets cats and dogs the little and large from Great Danes, to a miniature Yorkie.

As a home owner I understand the responsibility involved in caring for a home so you can be confident that your home will be care for as if it were my own.

I look forward to discussing your pet-sit/home-sit needs, I’m very happy to discuss in detail your requirements via FaceTime or WhatsApp.

When at home in Kilkenny I enjoy spending time with friends and family, walking, swimming, horse riding, reading, writing, painting and stencilling and re-vamping old furniture. I love art, galleries and visiting new places of interest.

I look look forward to meeting you soon :)

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