Maria D.

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Seville, Andalusia, Spain

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 3 Tagen

Über Maria D.

32 Jahre alt | Set / Fashion Designer

Hi there,

My name is Maria, I am Spanish natural from Sevilla.

I have been living in the UK for the past 5 years where I run a event production business with my ex boyfriend, we still good friends and I work from home. This job has allowed me to travel along Europe and spend in Bulgaria the summer to set up and take down my ex boyfriend's festival, Meadows in the Mountains.

There I have interacted with many animals including sheep, dogs and horses in my ex boyfriend's farm.

I am a really outdoorsy person and love foraging , trekking and bush-crafts in general. I am very active and need to go for an hour walk every day + 1 hr run 3 times a week.

Currently , I am in Seville in my parents home and I am looking to go somewhere in nature where I can combine the house sitting with my work as a designer from home.

I am available the whole year excepting fro the months of May - June as I will be going to Bulgaria again to set up the festival.

If you like my application do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Best regards,


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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Patricia d.

Castres, France - März 2020

La rencontre avec Maria qui a pris en charge ma maison et mes animaux est le bonheur que je souhaite à chacun d'entre nous. La vie nous permet parfois de croiser sur notre chemin de belles personnes. Ce fut ce que Nomador a permis. Maria a été à la hauteur de mes attentes en conséquence, bien évidemment je la recommande. Ma maison est imprégnée de sa joie de vivre et Lilou, Joy, Bulle et Meï espèrent son retour très bientôt. Merci infiniment Maria. Merci Nomador.

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