Leticia a.

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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Über Leticia a.

39 Jahre alt | Entrepreneur

We are partners in life and business. Angel and I have had our own business together in cause marketing for the last four years. We love to travel, check out local coffee shops, and go hiking in every place we visit.

We are looking to buy a home and someday build our own tiny house. The idea of house-sitting just came up as we were looking for our next venture. We are looking to use this opportunity to travel more, save for our dream home, and connect with new people and their fur babies. Someday, we will adopt a four-legged baby to the family as well; this is a great way to meet new types of dogs to see what would be the best fit for us.

We have house-sat now for a few friends and acquaintances. Each home has had dogs from one to four at a time. We love being there with them, taking them on walks, and caring for them while their owner is away. We love the companionship and bond that is naturally created with an animal. Also, we take in the mail and treat each home as our own.

We are very fortunate to have a business that allows us to travel and work remotely. A cozy home and local coffee shops are our offices.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Angel, 38 Jahre alt, Entrepreneur , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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