Susan s.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über Susan s.

59 Jahre alt | School teacher

My partner and I have been teaching in London for the last 20 years. We are both keen on travel, being outdoors, dogs and gardening. We have retired early and are free to explore the world and would like to combine house sitting with trips of our own. We have had our own doggies (3 Springer spaniels!) but after we lost the last one, we have decided to have a break. We are very confident with pets and love walking. We are responsible, trustworthy and resourceful individuals. We would prefer jobs that involve pet sitting as this gives us an opportunity to spend quality time with a dog/cat. Also, we think we can offer an outstanding experience for you as we have previously employed people to look after our own pets and we know the level of service and reassurance required.
We are both DBS checked and have excellent references. In school holidays, we will sometimes have our 17 year old son with us. George is a typical teenage boy and is mostly interested in computer games but also loves dogs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Joanne, 60 Jahre alt, School teacher, Ehepartner / Partner
George, 19 Jahre alt, Student, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Bewertungen der Gemeinschaft


Laurence D.

Lausanne, Switzerland - Juli 2024

Susan and Johanne were absolutely fantastic with looking after my pets, especially my dog Jack. I don’t think I could have had nicer people, caring, clean, respectful and who truly loved my dog. He was probably given more attention by them than by me on a daily basis. Whoever has the opportunity to have them look after their pet will be a very lucky person! I only hope they would come back and look after Jack!!

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