Christine w.

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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Über Christine w.

71 Jahre alt | Optician

We are an active, energetic couple in our 60s and we love all animals. Originally from the UK, we have lived in Adelaide for the past 29 years. During that time we have visited Europe many times and our favourite country is France. We retired 6 years ago and enjoy travelling around Australia in our motor home. In January 2019 we were approached by a couple who wished to buy our 3 acre country property so we sold and now enjoy house sitting and caring for animals as we travel. We have an established profile on our Australian house sitting website- with excellent reviews from our 12 house sits in 2019. We have successfully cared for horses, sheep, pigs, goats, dogs and cats. We are exceptionally clean and tidy people and care for homes and pets as we would our own. Chris has previously worked as a vet nurse and is very capable with administering animal medication etc. Dave has long experience of gardening, mowing, home maintenance and is particularly good with dogs and horses. We would appreciate the opportunity to live as a local in the French culture whilst providing caring attention and companionship to your pets.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
David, 73 Jahre alt, College Lecturer , Ehepartner / Partner

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