Veronica Louisa W.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Veronica Louisa W.

72 Jahre alt | ex-Manager, IBM | Allein

I am a well-travelled, semi-retired having worked and travelled for a multi-national company for many years. I have lived in many different countries and am very adaptable and fit-in to my immediate environment with ease. I love keeping a house in order and a capable of most tasks. I love the company of animals and treat them as my own, I do have a miniature Yorkshire terrier, who travels with me, is easy-going and adaptable and loves the company of other animals. I speak French fluently and some Italian and Spanish. I have a great insight appreciation towards the cultures of different countries. I have a full driving licence and drive through Europe. with ease. I am a positive and upbeat person with a good sense of humour, yet serious when required, I am empathic and loyal. I can deal with everyday situations with ease and my life experiences enable me to also attend to adverse situations in a calm. logical manner. I am respectful and will take extremely good care of the loved ones and the property of others. I have high standards in keeping home am trustworthy and discrete. This just a small introduction of who I am.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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