Cherille p.

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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Über Cherille p.

35 Jahre alt | Video Content Producer

I'm a solo traveler currently 30 years old. I go back home to Amsterdam in summertime to work as a freelance video content producer just to make money to leave again in winter time. I love my hometown but I am not a big fan of it when it's cold. I've been traveling solo for 2 years now and enjoying every minute of it. I usually save costs by working along the way but my good friend told me about housesitting. In all honesty I am new to this but do have experience in taking care of peoples houses and hosting airbnbs. I also love all types of animals! I used to do horseriding growing up and always had 2 cats. Unfortunately they are not on this world anymore but I know for sure they have had a beautiful life in my big garden while growing up. I also love dogs, fish, reptiles and basically all things alive. I'm an adventurous soul who loves to meet new people, eat new food and try all new things. Very open minded and respectful to the world, people and animals.

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