liz P.

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London, Ontario, Canada

Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen
Letzte Aktivität: vor weniger als 10 Tagen

Über liz P.

74 Jahre alt | homemaker, office manager | Als Paar/Duo

We are a retired couple (74 years of age), vaccinated for Covid, and up until March 2020 spent 14 years living and travelling on our small sail boat. When on land we enjoyed house sitting and finally sold our boat in order to concentrate on house sitting. We have owned all our homes(thirty five years)in England and in Canada and taken excellent care of them and our gardens. We have owned and loved dogs,cats, rabbits, turtles, hamsters, gerbils, mice and are always happy to consider other pets. We are non smokers, able drivers and responsible. We pride ourselves on never cancelling a sit and will continue to honour that commitment. (The single exception in 14 years was due to Covid related border closures and agreed on by both parties).
We are mainly homebodies and although we like to explore our surroundings we do that mainly by walking nearby.
Liz can speak reasonable Spanish and makes a heroic effort with French. We are new to Nomador but are happy to share our excellent reviews from other housesitting platforms if desired.
We enjoy travelling and exploring new communities and feel you can get much more of a sense of a place by experiencing it as a local would. But mostly we welcome the chance to spend some quality time with animals. For us the house sitting is a win-win as the one thing we really missed in our sailing lifestyle was having some fur babies to love resulting in lots of pent up cuddles we would like to share :-). The pleasure we receive from giving service and sharing trust is an unexpected and treasured reward.
As previous homeowners in both Canada and England we are very familiar with home and garden care and maintenance. We have been do-it-yourselfers for all our married life and as a result can tackle most jobs. Living as we did on our smaller sailboat we are used to handling off-the-grid systems. We have experience with garden maintenance and vegetable growing having managed our own for many years. Although we have been house sitting since 2008 we have in later years added to our qualifications by completing and graduating from the House Sitting Academy and graduating from the Dog Leadership for House Sitters course.

We always welcome a video interview-internet willing - or an in-person get together if we are in your neighbourhood

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Meine Reisebegleiter
chris, 74 Jahre alt, retired, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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