Rebecca H.

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Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Rebecca H.

60 Jahre alt | Writer and medical claims assistant | Als Paar/Duo

We are life-long pet-owners (and non-smokers). We’d love to include your dog(s) on our daily walks or hikes and snuggle with your cats while at home. We are accustomed to feeding, cleaning, grooming, and giving medication to pets. Recent lifestyle changes, including a love of traveling, have left us without pets of our own; let us devote ourselves to yours while you are away.

We are a fit, active couple that loves to travel. Animal lovers at heart, no pet is a stranger;
it’s not unusual for dogs out for a walk to stop for Don’s attention - it’s like he’s a pet whisperer. Cats and dogs have always been part of our family; we understand that each has its own personality and needs. By caring for them in your home, we will provide them with the love and affection they deserve.

Our home-base is in Maryland, USA. We are both 55-years-old, and self-employed. Rebecca is a writer and medical claims management specialist. Two years ago she retired from elementary school administrative support work. Don is a human resource consultant and has managed his two Illinois-based businesses long-distance since 2013. He used his Masters of Architecture degree as a US Army consultant for 12 years. Don’s retail stores run quarterly fundraisers for local animal shelters and donate a portion of pet clothing retail sales.

We are both handy and travel with basic repair tools. Did we mention we are super neat and clean?! Recent travel adventures include multiple AirBnB stays in the United States and Canada; our hosts consistently comment that we leave their homes in excellent condition, often better than when we arrived.

We are happy to provide references and any needed information for background checks.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Don, 60 Jahre alt, CEO, Business Owner, Ehepartner / Partner

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