Wim w.

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Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, South Holland, Netherlands

Über Wim w.

72 Jahre alt | Technical Buyer. Retired

We are couple 40 years married, love to help people, gardening, walking, cooking love animals and have been in housecare for 5 years. We have great technical skills, have build own houses and like nature, plants and birds. We took care for farmhouse in Germany and the Netherlands, a luxery house with pool in Hungaria, we love France and would like to be there more. We are very reliable, helpfull and easy in communication. We have experience till 7 dogs to care about ( Drentse Patrijzen. ) Cats and Rabbits, did volunteer work for 9 months in Dushi house in Dordrecht taking care about 6 children, cooking and bio-gardening. Also have been with Holiday with these children to France. We respect privacy and care about others home as it is ours. My wife Marianne is best cleaner ever and takes care about health and proper. We love to cook and care about good food, We would like to learn France / Spanish fluently, have lots of experience in hotel business ( my parents have had a Hotel )

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Marianne, 70 Jahre alt, Healthcare ( retired ) , Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Französisch

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