Rose j.

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Charlotte, North Carolina, United States

Über Rose j.

27 Jahre alt | Writer

Hi! I'm a 24 year old professional working remotely as a media analyst. I've been housesitting for about five years now, and I've made some incredible connections through these experiences. I know how stressful it can be leaving our homes in the care of other people, so it's my goal to fully understand what your expectations are and work to both fully respect and exceed them. Some of my favorite housesitting experiences have also involved taking care of pets, and I would love to take care of yours as well. I've had dogs, cats and birds share my home since I was a child, so I understand how important it is to take care of our animals as members of our family.

In all, I know how hard it is to be away from our homes and beloved animals, so it's my goal to pair affectionate care with good communication and reliable updates. I have experience working with puppies all the way to senior dogs, and I've taken care of homes ranging from apartments to farmhouses. I can share a link to the house and petsitting profile I use on a popular American website, where you'll be able to read previous clients' testimonials and verify that I've been background checked. Looking forward to getting in touch!

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