Linda-maria g.

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KI, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Über Linda-maria g.

30 Jahre alt | Social Worker

Hi everyone!
It’s us, Linda and Jan - a German couple who wants to travel the world. We are both 26-years old and are working in the social field; as a social worker and a child educator.

A little bit more about us:
We have been in a relationship for over seven years by now and are a very nice, neat, friendly and mature couple. We are vegetarians, very environmental conscious and interested in eco friendly living as well as in organic gardening. We have already gained a little experience by helping out on a permaculture farm.
Both of us are very fond of animals especially of cats, dogs and chickens. Our caretaking skills for pets have been given proof multiple times when we were sitting a cat for a couple who went on vacation.
Respect towards other people, their belongings, pets and nature is very important to us. Therefore it is needless to say that we would follow and respect your house rules and instructions. Don’t worry, we are definitely no party people. We rather enjoy nature, hikes and walks, swimming, cooking and a good read.
Moreover we are very communicative and interested in other cultures. We are fluent in German and English and have basic knowledge in French an Spanish. In preparation for our journey we attended an extensive Spanish course at our university and still keep going with studying.

We would be very happy to get to know you and your home and pets .If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards, Linda and Jan

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jan, 30 Jahre alt, Childhood Educator, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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