Anica u.

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Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Über Anica u.

69 Jahre alt | Business owner

WANTED: respectable Home owners with or without furry friends for mutually beneficial 'house sit' arrangements.....REWARD: superb House sitter, 100% reliable, trustworthy and responsible with exceptional references....


Respectable Home owners with or without adorable furry friends for mutually beneficial 'house sit' arrangements.
Someone who takes pride in their home and needs maintenance of small to medium gardens, if applicable.
Extended stays preferred.


Superb House sitter who is:

* a mature Lady/Student of German background
* single, no kids/pets
* a non smoker/social drinker
* not into parties/drugs
* a absolute animal/nature lover
* very house proud
* 100% professional and trustworthy
* 100% reliable and responsible individual
* very experienced with cats and small/medium dogs
(5 years of house sitting experience)

I'll provide 24/7:

* the utmost care and respect for your property
* lots of love, attention and companionship to your pet/s


exceptional references
Police Clearance

A little bit about myself: I've started house/pet sitting over five years ago after losing my beautiful cat companion. I wasn't ready at the time to have another pet of my own. I've found that pet sitting gave me a great opportunity to share my love for animals, when pet owners needed a break/holiday, knowing how important it is to have peace of mind that their furry friends will be very well looked after.

I've stated the most essential facts here for your information - if you'd have any further questions please feel free to ask me.

Thank you very much for your time.
I'd love to hear from you.

Kind regards


PS: I'm presently based in Perth/WA, Australia
I'm already a member on other platforms, such as and
I've excellent references from other owners which I can send to you, as I'm a new member with Nomador.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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