Bobby b.

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London, England, United Kingdom


Über Bobby b.

35 Jahre alt | Freelance Marketer

Hi, I'm Bobby, a 30-something lover of travel and animals. I work professionally as a freelance marketing consultant and travel the world cuddling fur-babies. I've also been a cat owner for 7 years and have 3 rescue cats at home. I've looked after pregnant and nursing cats and dogs and kittens/puppies, and animals that require medication (inhalers, eye drops, ear drops and pills)

I'd love to give you peace of mind while you're away from your home that not only is your home and pets getting the best level of care but that they'll also be loved and fussed over (almost!) As much as they would if you were at home. I work remotely so I'm able to spend 24 hours a day tending for your needs. I dont have any preferences in country or sit type, I'm ready to explore new worlds!

I hope you'll get in touch the next time you need a reliable housesitter.

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