Carola d.

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Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Über Carola d.

59 Jahre alt | Clinical Counsellor

We are a mature, semi-retired couple with excellent references from past pet and house sits, landlords and employers. While we currently do not have pets of our own, we both greatly enjoy being with and caring for animals. Propelled by a never-ending curiosity about different ways of living this one life, we have lived, worked and traveled in India, Nepal, Africa, Mauritius, Brazil, Canada, the Caribbean, and in Europe. We are trustworthy, dependable and we treat others' property with the utmost care and as if it was our own. As licensed professionals, we have recent criminal record checks to assure you that your belongings and your furry loved ones are in very good and caring hands.

"Thank you for leaving the house so, so clean." N.R., Vancouver, BC
"We are so happy with how you left things, probably the nicest homecoming we've had in 15 years." K.K, Vancouver, BC
"It was really great for us to know that our flat and our cat were in such good hands while we were away." M& K, London, UK

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Hari, 68 Jahre alt, Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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