Alfredo b.

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Massafra, Apulia, Italy

Über Alfredo b.

37 Jahre alt | Digital Marketing Agency Owner

“Some people talk to animals; not many listen, though.” Winnie-The-Pooh

Ciao! First and foremost, we are animal-lovers, and will give your beloved pets all the care, attention and fuss that you would wish for. If there are any special requirements such as medication or visits to the vet, we can take care of that. Old or infirm pets are not a problem for us; when one owner couldn't face putting to sleep her beloved elderly dog, we took on the challenge of looking after her for a month, giving her very special care and updating the owner constantly. Puppies with the need for ongoing training is also something we can offer as we are very interested learning dog and cat psychology.

Having been homeowners, we have a lot of respect for other people's belongings and their individual way of life. As we work from home, we will be keeping your animals company and guaranteeing your home is secure.

We are happy to keep you updated with regular emails, although some people prefer to just forget about everything, knowing that all is well back at the ranch.

If you need any garden maintenance, we are happy to assist, likewise any light work around the house. Any business you need taking care of while you are away, we will happily take on for you, such as taking calls, passing on messages or local deliveries.

We will take careful note of everything you tell us about your pets and home and make sure that everything is carried out as you wish.

What started as an adventure has become a way of life; we are loving the constant variety, and get satisfaction from giving you the freedom to travel, knowing your home is in safe hands.

Having moved our business online we have been liberated to live this nomadic lifestyle and it has been a continual revelation. The people we have met and the places we have got to know have been an inspiration.

It is a privilege for us to be temporary guardians of others' beloved homes and pets, and we always go the distance to meet our clients' specific needs. By offering you our total commitment and care, we want you to feel completely at ease and happy when you go away.

House sitting enables us to to stay focused on our creative endeavors!

Enjoy your holiday!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Antonella, 30 Jahre alt, Co-founder of the Agency, Ehepartner / Partner

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