Adrianna p.

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London, England, United Kingdom

Über Adrianna p.

28 Jahre alt | Copywriter | Allein

Some people use Nomador to get free accommodation when they travel.

I use it to get to hang out with cute pets while I travel 🥹

And yes, if your pet had a say, they would swipe right on me 🥰

Especially if they knew that while you're away they'll have a cool human around that will talk to them, love them, give them attention, and take lots of photos and videos of them to share with you.

Now, you might be thinking "you don't have any reviews on your profile, can I trust you?"

I opened Nomador in 2020 and connected with a cool couple in Barcelona. I've been looking after their incredibly crazy and adorable dogs every summer since then.

They literally stopped using Nomador because I became their trusted dog-sitter (and never left me a review, lol).

They also recommended me to friends. So, that was enough for me. I didn't come back to the platform.

It's unheard of, I know! Like finding the love of your life on Tinder.

But now I'd like to explore different locations. I feel like I'm a Barcelona expert after the last 3 years of pet sitting there.

So, I'd love to connect with you!

I can also put you in touch with the families I helped so that they can tell you all about how much their pets love staying with me 😍

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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