Nataliya b.

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Über Nataliya b.

47 Jahre alt | PhD Candidate / Interpreter / Lecturer

I'm single in my forties, I teach anthropology online, work on my doctoral dissertation, and do some translations casually. I love to travel and explore the world. Originally from Ukraine, I spent ten years in Central Asia as a child with my parents. I also lived for eight years in Canada where I started my doctoral program, and now granted an option to work on it online.
I love pets, I grew up with cats, they were many, and had two dogs. I lived in a village for a few years, and familiar with farm animals and the way to take care of them. Now I don't have any pets, and will enjoy to spend time with them.
I was a house-sitter for a few years while I was in Canada, and liked it.

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