Kathy m.

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Kalamazoo, Michigan, United States

Über Kathy m.

66 Jahre alt | Office Administration | Als Familie

Mother of 3 adult children and unemployed since the 2020 lockdown. I have been in school over the past year after my recent relocation to Florida, USA. I am a writer, artist, and student. I travel with an artistic mom who likes to laugh. I like dogs and cats and have owned many pets in the past and enjoy pet personalities of all types. I like quiet peaceful environments, reading, walking, and pilates whenever I have floor space.
I have home sat for friends in the past but not through Nomador yet. So I am looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing more of the free state of Florida. As I hope to purchase a home soon and would love the opportunity to visit and watch over your location while I decide on a more permanent residence. Please give me a call if you are interested in my help. Thank you.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Pricilla, 78 Jahre alt, Artist, Elternteil

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