Justine V.

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Douai, Hauts-de-France, France

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Justine V.

29 Jahre alt | Créatrice de bijoux | Allein

I am a 28 french woman, life lover and travel addict, my heart belongs to Asia. I don't have a very conventional life, and I love it. I'm creating jewelries but I'm in a transition period where I've got many projects in mind concerning my career. I'm passionate about everything related to music, singing, dancing, i'm also learning guitare, and this is my main focus now, this is something that makes me really happy, so being alone in a house is perfect for me to practice again and again.

I've been house sitting 3 times, not via this website :

-One time in Thailand for 3 cats and 3 dogs, while also working in parallel in a dog sanctuary, where I took care of 70 dogs and 30 cats, all very happy and well behavied :D during 3 months
-One other time in Correze, one month in a very rustic house in the middle of nowhere, where I took care of 2 cats, 3 goats, and few chickens and ducks.
-And the last time was in a crazy yurt in Drôme, again a month, in a forest, there was 2 big lovely dogs and 2 cats.

These 3 experiences were all amazing and were very transformative for me, it allows me the time of silence and introspection I need in my life, and it allows me to practice music, dance and singing, my main passions. And of course, it allows me to be around the ones I cherish more than most of humans, animals.

I can't have my own pets now, there's still too much big adventures that awaits me far away, but for sure one day I will be surrounded by them, and in the meantime I always find ways to take care and give love to other's human animals :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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Anne M.

Coron, Greece - März 2024

Kif et Mythos semblent avoir apprécié la présence de Justine : beaucoup de ballades et de caresses. Nous avons eu l'esprit tranquille pendant cette longue absence avec des nouvelles et des photos fréquentes . Justyne c'est très bien débrouillée avec la gestion de la maison.

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