Jake n.

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Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Über Jake n.

44 Jahre alt | Professional Window Cleaner

My name is Jake and I'm 39 years of age, born and raised in Minnesota. I have been washing windows both commercially and residentially for the last 8 years and I absolutely love doing it. I'm a very independent and dependable individual who enjoys traveling and meeting new people. I enjoy the companionship of animals and the joy they bring as a member of the family.
I don't have much experience in house-sitting, however at this time with the kind of work I do almost at a stand still, I figured this would be a good time for some fun, new and interesting experiences.
I was raised to be respectful and considerate to my fellow man, animals and property. I have a strong work ethic and also believe in being ethical in all things. Being in the window cleaning business, customers allow me into their homes often times unsupervised, so trust and honesty are fundamental to maintaining good customer service.

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