Joseph f.

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Paris, Île-de-France, France

Über Joseph f.

47 Jahre alt | Director of Arts & Culture

I am currently living between Paris and Dubai. Following my career as a professional dancer I now work in various leadership and artistic direction roles with major opera houses and world events, including the World Exhibition (Expo 2020) as the Director of Arts and Culture. I am passionate about music, literature, cooking, travel and animals, in particular Dogs and Cats. I grew up with family pets, but due to my nomadic professional lifestyle, I have not been able to have my own pet for several years, so the idea of looking after yours appeals to me greatly. I am reliable, trustworthy and honest. I have to date had several experiences of home-sitting and these have all been greatly enjoyable and without any problems. I have even gained a couple of longstanding friendships with several four legged friends :-) I currently work as a consultant so a lot of my time is spent on my laptop meaning not only can I easily travel, but I also manage my own schedule, which means I can easily accommodate walking your dog, playing with your cat and excessive amounts of tummy rubs, strokes and tickles. I love to discover new cultures and destinations and home-sitting combines this interest with my love for Cats and Dogs.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Bruno, 54 Jahre alt, Designer, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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