Guy s.

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Dover, England, United Kingdom

Über Guy s.

58 Jahre alt | Electrical engineer

We are a British couple in our fifties. I work as an electrical engineer/ electrician. My wife Tania is a Reiki practioner, housewife and jewellery maker.

We have experience in house sitting, looking after Tania's parents house along with their many pets, several times a year. We both love animals and in the past have had our own horses, dogs and cats. Unfortunately, due to our current working commitments we can not offer the suitable environment for us to have our own pets.

As previously mentioned, we usually house and pet sit for Tania's parents several times a year. We have now made the decision to expand our horizons by house and pet sitting for others, allowing us to also visit other countries and enjoy what the local culture has to offer.

Having worked in the construction industry in excess of 35 years, I am more than capable of dealing with most maintenance issue that may arise during our stay.

We are both house proud which we will continue whilst sitting your house.

Communication is an important part of a house sit, to which end we are prepared to communicate with you as much or as little as you require while you are away.

Walking is something we really enjoy, so if your pet is a dog/dogs they will be walked regularly. Providing it meets with your approval your dog, would actually be an extension of our family and would accompany us everywhere.

We would love to be given the opportunity to look after your home and loved ones (pets) allowing you to go away knowing that everything you cherish is in safe hands.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Tania , 57 Jahre alt, Housewife , Ehepartner / Partner

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