Laura K.

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany

Letzte Aktivität: vor 3 Monaten

Über Laura K.

38 Jahre alt | Aviation | Als Familie

Dear Nomador community,

My husband (Ian) and I (Laura) are full-time pet/house-sitters. We are looking for house/pet-sitting opportunities that would last at least two weeks and are open to a permanent or reoccurring housesitting arrangement. We are professional and competent in pet care & property maintenance. We have excellent references that we are happy to provide upon request. We are both non-smokers and do not have kids or pets. We are financially stable with solid incomes and savings.

Below is a little background information about each of us:

We are a married couple in our late-30s and have been together for 17 years. Laura is originally from Germany. We met in Frankfurt in 2005 when Ian was serving in the Air Force. We instantly fell in love and have enjoyed a happy marriage ever since.

-Prior to joining the Air Force, Ian grew up on a vineyard and horse farm in Upstate New York.
-After earning a BA in Finance and an MBA, Ian worked in the defense industry.
-Upon leaving the defense contracting industry, Ian attended Georgetown Law in Washington D.C. and graduated with his J.D. He recently passed the bar exam and is currently setting up an online legal practice.
-When Ian is not busy working, he enjoys spending time in nature and working on classic cars. He is a bundle of energy and is not afraid to get his hands dirty working on the upkeep of properties and machinery.
-Ian grew up with multiple dogs and cats of all ages. He seems to speak their language and naturally attracts most dogs and cats that he meets. He has never met a pet he didn't like and it always shows in the way that animals gravitate toward him.

-After immigrating from Germany to the US in 2007, Laura earned her BA in Psychology and an MBA.
-After graduation, Laura worked for a prominent tech company. She subsequently worked in Marketing for a major European airline for several years. She is currently working remotely as a German Linguist.
-When Laura is not working, she enjoys hiking, cooking healthy meals, and spending time with animals.

Our goal:
House/pet-sitting provides us with the perfect opportunity to explore living in different parts of the world and the privilege to get to know some wonderful fur babies while we do it. We strive to build lasting relationships with the homeowners we sit for through clear, friendly communication and quality assistance in order to help homeowners gain peace of mind that their property is secure and their pets are happy.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Ian, 39 Jahre alt, Attorney, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Deutsch | Englisch

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