Lorey del carmen l.

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Caparica, Setubal, Portugal

Über Lorey del carmen l.

49 Jahre alt | Senior Partnership Specialist in Uniplaces

Hello, Ciao, Ola, Hola!!!
We are Lorey y Robbie, we are an unconventional couple, we love to travel and we love to discover new countries, new cities, new cultures, Robbie has a vblog and I love to help with that.
I love animals but I just have experience with dogs in my personal life, we had a german shepherd when i was in young age, and after on my 25-30 my and my sister adopt a cocker, and she was the best experience ever. Now I have a god dog that I visit when I can in the dog pound (the one in my profile picture). I never had a cat but I think they are cute and very independent animals.
I speak spanish, italian, english and more or less portugues, my husband speaks english and punjab.
We'll be so happy to help with your pet carrying and of course meeting you and discover new cities and to live a new adventure.
I want to add, that for now, because the COVID I have my contract suspended for the next 6 months, so thats why i am free to travel.
Probably to some trips my husband can come and some other he won't.
Can wait to start this new adventure.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Robbie, 33 Jahre alt, Uber driver, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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