Aude B.

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Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Letzte Aktivität: vor einem Monat

Über Aude B.

36 Jahre alt | Comédienne | Als Familie


We are a family of three: me (35 yo), Eliott (37yo)and Marceau (24 months old) and we currently live in Geneva with our two stray cats, Opaline & O'Malley.
I am an actress, theater director and writer (well, currently I mostly do stand up comedy) and my boyfriend is a motion designer and video editer. We are both freelance and work in Geneva although sometimes we can work from abroad.
We own a van that we turned into a camping van and we love travelling. Although since the baby is born we haven't quite had the opportunity to do it. Together we do a lot of mountain biking and via ferrata (climbing). I am a huge fan of water sports and a professional PADI Dive Instructor.
We are fluent in French, English and Spanish and can speak German and Italian if necessary.
I have some experience in farm animals because I grew up in a farm. I used to know how to milk cows and goats by hand but.... it's been awhile and I would need a refresher course if I needed to do it. I have somewhat of a green thumb so you might end up with more plants than you had before you left :D oooooopsie
Our son frequently comes on tour with me, so he's well accustomed to sleep in different places and he's easy to adapt to a new environment.

We've already housesat with him in England during the summer 2023. We spent 4 weeks in a beautiful cottage in the South of England, caring for a cat and a Golden Retriever (with the platform, link to our profile:

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Eliott, 37 Jahre alt, Video Editor, Ehepartner / Partner
Marceau, 2 Jahre alt, Toddler, Kind

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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