Thierry l.

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Montpellier, Occitanie, France

Über Thierry l.

60 Jahre alt | chef de projet

Je suis un nomade de la vie ayant vécu dans le sud pacifique, l'Amerqaue du nord et l’Europe. Venant du famille étendue, ayant vécu en collocation et en collectivité, cela m'a servi dans un respect des personnes et de l'importance de la propreté et des affaires personnelles, ce qui m'a fortement aidée dans mes expériences de "house sitting" au Canada. J'ai toujours vécu avec des animaux ayant eu chiens, chats et un cheval et m’étant occupé de poules/canard/lapins, poissons et tortue ainsi qu’ayant travaillé dans des petites exploitations avec bovin et chevaux.
A nomad of life having lived in South Pacific, North America and Europe and traveled in many other places in Asia and Europe. I have taken care of houses, lived in colocation and collectivists. My experience with caring for animals is large as I have/had dogs, cats and a horse. I took care of chicken/duck/rabbits, fishes, turtle and horses as well as worked on small farms with cattle and horses. A nomad of life having lived in South Pacific, North America and Europe and traveled in many other places in Asia and Europe. I have taken care of houses, lived in colocation and collectivists. My experience with caring for animals is large as I have/had dogs, cats and a horse. I took care of chicken/duck/rabbits, fishes, turtle and horses as well as worked on small farms with cattle and horses.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch

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