Rachael d.

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Carno, Wales, United Kingdom

Über Rachael d.

58 Jahre alt | artist/atone sculptor/writer

I am a mature (55yrs) single female living in Wales UK. i have often been asked to house/petsit over the years - for freinds/family and freinds of freinds as s i am a responsible/ trustworthy reliable person with a deep love of animals and nature. I am a quiet person and will respect your home and keep it clean and tidy.. and you can trust that i will give your pets alot of love and attention while you are away.. i am good with most animals.. and have good intuition when it comes to looking after them .. (and assessing thier needs if they are sick or get sick or need special care and attention while you are away) I love to explore new places and have travellled quite extensively worldwide. often as a solitary traveller. i had my own cat for 20 years! but as she died last year, i would like to do more travel before i commit to another pet. I have been an artist/stone sculptor for 20 years.. but am hoping to write and illustrate a book over the next year, so would like to travel to for inspiration and contemplation.
I understand that trust and good communication can be very important for you to feel assured that your home/pets will be in good hands while you are away, and am more than happy to give regular updates via email.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch

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