Pero h.

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Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Über Pero h.

47 Jahre alt | Teacher

My name is Pero, I am a 43-years old teacher and originally from South Africa.
I have been living in Slovakia for the last 15 years but just recently moved to the Czech Republic, before moving to Slovakia I lived in London.

I went to college in South Africa.
I do like the outdoors, I like camping, hiking and cycling.
I spent some time in the African jungle (Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania) and I know my way around a tent and campfire. I have not been bitten by spiders or snakes in years and also not killed my food for about the same amount of time.
I am a Jack of all trades so I am able to fix many broken things.
I love animals I grew up on a farm so I have no problems taking care of most animals.

I am looking for a house to stay this winter in Europe (Schengen area only) that preferably doesn't get too cold and has access to hiking trails.

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