Sergio ignacio

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Toulouse, Occitanie, France

Über Sergio ignacio

42 Jahre alt | Sales Contract Manager

Hi !!
I'm Sergio a 38-year old professional who decided, at the beginning of the year, to take a year and-a-half sabbatical starting May 2020 to rest, travel, resource and nourish myself - among other things. I love travelling and discovering cultures, people, places... Some people think this was the worst timing for a sabbatical due to COVID but, quite frankly, I am enjoying my time-off and taking it easy. The current situation just made me be more flexible and, thus, I have no fixed plans/destinations; which works really well to try this new experience (for me): house sitting!

Due to the sanitary situation I am currently constrained to travel/house sit in Europe, as I am based in France. I am originally from California of Mexican background and as I have been living & working in Europe since 2009 I am happy to report I am also a French/European citizen now. I speak fluent English, Spanish and French and get by with Italian. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.

Looking forward to meet you if our paths cross, have a nice day!


P.S. - Not sure if my profile photo is too professional (it was taken at work) but to be fully transparent with you, I will be wearing t-shirts and sandals/tennis shoes and not ties and jackets during my stay/sabbatical. :)

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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