Luciano m.

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Palma, Balearic Islands, Spain

Über Luciano m.

49 Jahre alt | phisical comedian

We are Luiciano (45) and Sofia (29), curently living a nomad stile of life, we have a selfmade mini-campervan.
We love animals in general, we have experience with pets and farm ones, (Sofia comes from a family farm), she also love cats, and I have been a reptiles host in the past.
We are responsable and caring of the places we live.
We enjoy to do manteinance tasks, DIY projects, gardering, and fixing stuff. We are handy with powertools, electricity works, and painting.
We are non smokers.
We enjoy nature.
We have experience doing work in exchange for acomodation.
We are specially interested for a midterm sitting, for this autum/winter. (2020/2021), but we a re open to other posibilities.
It would be great for us to have a space where we can park out mini-campervan, and also be able to work on it. (garage/workshop, backyard).

Please do not hesitate to ask us any question.
If you find us suitable for your house, please contact us!

Luciano and Sofia

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Sofia, 33 Jahre alt, personal asistance for people with disabilities, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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