Camille D.

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Entraigues-sur-la-Sorgue, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Über Camille D.

27 Jahre alt | Digitale nomade | Als Paar/Duo

Hi there :) !

We are a couple aged 35 and 26, with several shared passions: traveling, working (online), and animals and nature!

We've already done some home sitting in France and England, and we've had some wonderful encounters (human and animal:)).

At home, we also have two adorable little dogs (Shadow and Tobby), and two cats (Mina and Noche).

When we're abroad traveling and working, we love to feel useful and have the company of little beings. Taking care of them, giving them love, playing with them, walking them, reassuring them if need be... We know how to look after animals while respecting the rules of your home.

Open-minded, curious, sociable, responsible, respectful and serious are the adjectives that probably best describe us.


My name is Camille, I'm 26 and I'm from the south of France, Avignon to be exact!

My passions are personal development, reading, nature sports, I love everything to do with well-being (yoga, spirituality, nature, animals), but also writing and traveling in general.

My friends describe me as bubbly, smiling, generous, caring, sociable, curious and ambitious!

Cats, dogs, I've always been surrounded by lots of animals since I was little. I can't describe my love for these little creatures!


My name is Stephen (35) and come from Chalfont St. Peter, a large village just outside of north-west London, England. I am a keen explorer, travelling is naturally something close to my heart. I am also an avid sports fan, particularly Cricket and Formula 1.

Animals are a big part of my life, my family has four dogs and two cats. They are very close to me and whenever I am away I miss them. I believe that animals can teach us a great deal about not only the world around us but ourselves also.

If chosen to look after your wonderful home and animals, we promise to make sure that they are looked after and protected with the love and care that you would want for them. One animal lover to another.

Don't hesitate to contact us :).

Have a nice day,

Camille and Stephen.

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Stephen, 36 Jahre alt, Freelance, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Französisch

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