Rosie f.

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Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Über Rosie f.

33 Jahre alt | Digital Media Coach

Hi Everyone,
My name is Rosie, I'm 29 years old and from Australia. I currently live in Manchester, UK with my British boyfriend Matt, who's 30.
I have house and petsat for the past 8+ years, and can provide photos and positive reviews from my THS and Facebook profiles. I will link these in any application I do!
Currently, my visa for the UK is up, so Matt and I hope to travel as much as we can around Europe caring for animals whilst we set up digital remote work. I am a Social Media Manager + Coach, Matt is training to become a TEFL Teacher.
We are both huge animal fans, and hope to open our own 'pet hostel for grown ups' in the future, when we can return to Australia together. In the meantime, we hope to experience the world and as many animals as we can.
We are both responsible and provide clear communication on housesits. We both are extremely clean individuals that will assure to leave the place in great condition.
As far as our hobbies, Matt enjoys drawing & discovering new music. I am a vegan yogi, so I enjoy cooking & practising. I also enjoy meditation, which I hope Matt will join in once we leave the rat race!
Together, we enjoy live music and trying new restaurants & bars together. Of course COVID has affected most eating out experiences, so we don't get to enjoy this too much these days!
Help us enjoy our dream life together and give your animals a holiday too!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Matt, 34 Jahre alt, TEFL Teacher, Ehepartner / Partner

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